It's time to spice things up with our Vegan Laksa recipe! Yes, you can recreate this local favourite with Oathentic's hotpot broth. What's more, it's an awesome low-fat alternative to coconut milk!

All you need is a packet of Oathentic Collagen Boosting Broth (Original), and some simple ingredients.
Oathentic broth's natural sweetness means you won't need long hours of boiling to get a tasty, fresh and healthy broth!
Cheat’s Recipe using Oathentic Hotpot Broth
Below recipe serves about 3-4 pax. The ingredients and steps are kept simple made possible with Oathentic’s fresh broth! To ensure freshness, the paste is made from scratch however you may choose to use shop purchased paste, and it will take you less than 20 mins to get the laksa ready!
INGREDIENTS For the paste 2 medium shallots, sliced roughly 3 garlic cloves 1 lemongrass stalk white part chopped (keep the rest) About 1-2 knob ginger or galangal sliced roughly 3 fresh red chillis or dried thai chillis soaked in boiling water (adjust to your level of spiciness tolerance) 1/2 sheet seaweed torn into bits (to add umami flavor to the laksa) 1 tbsp neutral tasting oil 1 tsp ground turmeric 1 tsp ground coriander ½ tsp ground cumin 1 tsp sweet ground paprika (optional, for colour)
Flat rice noodles 3-4 servings 1x1.2L Oathentic Collagen Boosting Oat Milk Broth (Original)
Optional Tofu ingredients (tofu puffs, fried baked toufu etc) Your preferred vegetables (e.g bean sprouts, broccoli etc)
Instructions 1. Using a blender, blend in all the paste ingredients leaving out ground turmeric, coriander, cumin and paprika. 2. Heat up 1.5 tbsp of oil, add the laksa paste and fry it very slowly on a low heat till fragrant. Remember to keep stirring. 3. Add in ground turmeric, coriander, cumin and paprika and continue to fry the mixture gently. Keep stirring. 4. Once paste is ready, pour in Oathentic Collagen Boosting Oat Milk Broth (Original) and add in all the lemongrass leftovers. Mix well and leave the soup to simmer. 5. Taste the soup and adjust the taste with salt and sugar if necessary, otherwise the natural sweetness and sea salt in our oat milk broth should suffice. 6. Remove the lemongrass bits. 7. If you intend to add tofu ingredients, add in to simmer with the laksa soup after removing lemongrass bits. 8. Vegetables and noodles to be boiled separately. 9. When ready to serve, place noodles and vegetables in bowls and pour laksa soup over.
Hope you enjoy our healthy laksa recipe!
We would love to hear from you! Suggest what you think our oat milk can be used for and you just might see it featured, and we promise you a little surprise if your idea gets featured!